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Suite#1 Latif Manzil, 100B Lytton Road, Mozang Chungi, Lahore, Punjab 54000 Pakistan, 54000, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
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Business Category

Pakistan:Health and Care:Medical Devices and Accessories

What we do at SterWrap

SterWrap® is well-known for its unmatched services in providing sterile wrapping solutions around the globe. Our non-woven durable fabric keeps your instruments and medical equipment sterilized and ready-to-use on short calls. We have been supplying our sterilization wraps with numerous specifications used for different types of processing. Our wrap manufacturing methodology is fully based on microbial barrier protection technology which makes sure that your instruments are always in a sterile state. Our products are 100% reliable & high in quality to maintain the sterility of your surgical instruments. Our versatile range of products include:- • Sterilization Wraps • CSSD accessories • Medical Crepe Paper • Sterilization Reels • Sterilization Pouches • Steri sheets etc. If you have been looking for any of the above-mentioned steri products in Pakistan then please reach us out at the given details. Website: https://sterwrap.com Phone: +923214148073 Email: info@sterwrap.com

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Personal Information for SterWrap

Contact Person: Mr Khurram Ramzan

Business Details

Type of business: Partnership
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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