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75600, karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
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Business Category

Pakistan:Catering:Food ~ Pakistan:Entertainment:Gifts ~ Pakistan:Industrial Goods and Services:Food Products ~ Pakistan:Industrial Goods and Services:Toys

What we do at BazzlePK

Welcome To A Premium Gifting Hub Of Pakistan Have you ever been in a situation where your loved one’s birthday or some special occasion of their life is just around the corner? And you want to celebrate it right. From your efforts, you would like to show that much thought and hard work was put into bringing it all together. Well, Bazzle has you covered. Our brand mantra is “Passion for the Occasion”, and We stand by it every single day.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for BazzlePK

Contact Person: Mr bazzle pk

Business Details

Type of business: online shop
Year founded: 2020
Year started activity: 2018
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 20
Spoken Languages: english,urdu
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