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Logo - Giant's Foot Surf

Giant's Foot Surf

3ra casa del estero sur, El Gigante, Nicaragua, 477446, Tola, Rivas, Nicaragua
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Business Category

Nicaragua:Sports and Recreation:Fitness and Workout ~ Nicaragua:Sports and Recreation:Nature ~ Nicaragua:Sports and Recreation:Sports

What we do at Giant's Foot Surf

Giant's Foot Surf is the perfect place for couples, families, or friends who are open-minded and ahead of every trend. Our community is based on comfort, exclusivity, and sharing experiences. We pride ourselves on running a surf camp that makes guests feel at home. With the hard work of our team, our surf camp family continues to succeed in providing expert guidance with a personalized touch and a high level of service. For those who are here for some intermediate training or beginners, we are here to take your skills to the next level. we are here to teach you to surf like paddling, reading waves, positioning, and standing techniques.

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Personal Information for Giant's Foot Surf

Contact Person: Mr n/a

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2009
Year started activity: 2009
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: English
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