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Logo - Love my Kitchen Benchtop

Love my Kitchen Benchtop

471 Hauraki Road, Turua, 3574, Turua, Waikato Region, New Zealand
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Business Category

New Zealand:Home:Interior Design

What we do at Love my Kitchen Benchtop

Stone fabrication Specialists in Natural, Engineered and Ultra Compact Ceramic stone countertops, vanities and splashbacks. Quality Stone Kitchen Benchtops for the Waikato, Bay of Plenty & Coromandel Regions in New Zealand.

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Personal Information for Love my Kitchen Benchtop

Contact Person: Mr Maxine Mogford

Business Details

Type of business: LLC
Year founded: 2014
Year started activity: 2015
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 5
Spoken Languages: n/a
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