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Logo - Stars Travel & Tours Services

Stars Travel & Tours Services

2372 Av. Ahmed Sekou Touré, Maputo, Maputo, Maputo, Mozambique
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Mozambique:Travel:MICE ~ Mozambique:Travel:Outdoors and Adventure ~ Mozambique:Travel:Tour Operators ~ Mozambique:Travel:Travel Agents ~ Mozambique:Travel:Visas and Immigration

What we do at Stars Travel & Tours Services

Stars Travel and Tours Services: Elevating Your Travel Experiences About Us: At Stars Travel and Tours Services, we transcend the ordinary travel company experience. We are innovators, reshaping the way individuals and businesses explore the world. With an unwavering commitment to excellence and a passion for redefining travel, we deliver an exceptional and unparalleled journey. From our global presence to our personalized services, we aim to surpass your expectations and stand out in the industry. Unmatched Expertise: With years of industry knowledge and a team of dedicated travel enthusiasts, we possess the expertise to curate extraordinary travel experiences. Whether you seek a relaxing tropical getaway, an exhilarating adventure, or a culturally immersive exploration, we have the knowledge and passion to design a trip that exceeds your imagination. Global Reach: We proudly serve clients worldwide, catering to discerning travelers, corporate entities, and organizations across Africa, the Gulf countries, and the Indian subcontinent. Our strategically located offices in Lilongwe and Blantyre (Malawi), Harare (Zimbabwe), Maputo (Mozambique), Kampala (Uganda), and Lusaka (Zambia) ensure that our expert team is always within reach, providing seamless support and personalized assistance throughout your entire journey. Comprehensive Offerings: We offer a comprehensive range of travel services tailored to meet the needs of diverse clients: - Seamless Flight Bookings: Access exclusive deals and enjoy hassle-free booking experiences for both domestic and international flights. - Tailor-Made Holiday Packages: Experience the art of personalized travel with meticulously crafted holiday packages that cater to your unique preferences. - Luxurious Accommodations: Indulge in exceptional comfort with our carefully selected collection of top-notch hotels and resorts worldwide. - Reliable Car Rentals: Explore your destination with ease using our reliable car rental services, offering a wide range of vehicles to suit your style and needs. - Visa Concierge Services: Simplify the visa application process with the assistance of our dedicated visa experts, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience. - Personalized Assistance: Enjoy a warm welcome and seamless transitions during your travels with our professional meet and greet services. - Corporate Solutions: We understand the unique travel requirements of businesses. Our corporate services, including implant solutions and cost-effective strategies, are tailored to meet your company's needs. - Customized Experiences: We go above and beyond to create bespoke travel experiences that reflect your interests, preferences, and desired level of luxury. - Cutting-Edge Analytics: Gain valuable insights and optimize your travel program with our advanced reporting analytics, helping you make informed decisions. However, our services extend beyond these options. We are fully committed to catering to your specific needs and delivering tailored solutions that align with your requirements. Contact Information: To embark on an unforgettable journey with Stars Travel and Tours Services, reach out to our dedicated Sales and Support team:- - Email: sales.mpm@stars-travel.com - Prince Kumar, Manager Sales and Operations: +268-865350350 - Rohit Chhapera, Country Manager: +268-862250250 Elevate your travel experiences and embark on a remarkable adventure with confidence. Visit our website at http://stars-travel.com/ to begin your extraordinary journey today. Stars Travel and Tours Services: Redefining travel, exceeding expectations.

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Personal Information for Stars Travel & Tours Services

Contact Person: Mr Rohit Chhapera

Business Details

Type of business: Corporation
Year founded: 2018
Year started activity: 2014
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 150
Spoken Languages: Portuguese,Spanish,English,Hindi,Urdu,
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