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Logo - Confederation of International Talents LTD

Confederation of International Talents LTD

230 Block B The Junction , Calebasses Branch Road, Pamplemousses Mauritius, 20201, Pamplemousses, Port Louis, Mauritius
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Business Category

Mauritius:Education:Colleges and Universities

What we do at Confederation of International Talents LTD

The Confederation of International Talents (CIT) is a leading education and training institution located in Mauritius. We provide a wide range of certification and diploma courses that cover diverse fields such as AI, Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, Leadership Management, Hospitality, Business Management and OHS training. Additionally, we offer corporate training programs that are designed to provide businesses with the skills and knowledge they need to excel. Our commitment to excellence drives us to deliver high-quality education and training that is tailored to meet the ever-changing demands of today's industries.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

No information available

Personal Information for Confederation of International Talents LTD

Contact Person: Mr Paresh Harwani

Business Details

Type of business: Ltd
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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