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Logo - Eton Interiors Ltd

Eton Interiors Ltd

1st Floor, Park Suites, Parklands Rd, Nairobi, 00623, Parklands, Nairobi, Kenya
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Kenya:Home:Interior Design

What we do at Eton Interiors Ltd

We have over 15 years combined experience in selling Kitchens, Wardrobes and Appliances.Each Kitchen, wardrobe and TV unit/shelving system is tailor made to suit you.Choice of well known German & Italian brands such as Binova, Miton, Electrolux, Zanussi, TLK, AEG & Giessegi. We offer the best quality and the best prices so we are confident we can achieve your budget both for projects and individual houses. Services: Gas Hobs,Electric Hobs,Built in Microwaves,Coffee Machine,Washing Machine Street Address: 1st Floor, Park Suites, Parklands Rd, Nairobi Pin Code: 00623 City: Parklands, Nairobi, Kenya Company Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30.am – 5:00.pm Sat: 9:00.am – 2:00.pm Payment Type:Card Year Found: 2007

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Home based?: no
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