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Logo - Ndurumo Tours and Safaris

Ndurumo Tours and Safaris

00300, Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
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Business Category

Kenya:Travel:Tour Operators

What we do at Ndurumo Tours and Safaris

Kenya is proud of the massive waterfalls that mark up unique attractions in East Africa. Ndurumo Safaris is a dully registered Tour company with the government of Kenya with the main objective to undertake the task of showing the world Africa’s amazing diverse landscape, wildlife, history, and cultural heritage. The company is fully-fledged with qualified consultants and a logistical team that endeavor to provide personalized services to all our esteemed clients. Ndurumo Safaris we believe that the discovery of Africa is a personal experience, therefore we strive to present the destination to all our travelers in such a manner that their discovery of Africa goes beyond personal travel needs. Karibu Sana !!!

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Personal Information for Ndurumo Tours and Safaris

Contact Person: Mrs Ndurumo Safaris

Business Details

Type of business: partnership
Year founded: 2016
Year started activity: 2016
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 20
Spoken Languages: english
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