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Logo - Moi University

Moi University

30100, Eldoret, Rift Valley, Kenya
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Business Category

Kenya:Education:Colleges and Universities ~ Kenya:Government and Non-profit:Education ~ Kenya:Government and Non-profit:Scientific ~ Kenya:Science and Technology:Institutes, Laboratories

What we do at Moi University

Founded 1984.


Actuarial Science, Advertising and Publicity, Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering, Agricultural Business, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Education, Agricultural Management, Agriculture, Analytical Chemistry, Animal Husbandry, Anthropology, Applied Mathematics, Archiving, Art Education, Arts and Humanities, Banking, Biological and Life Sciences, Biology, Biotechnology, Business Administration, Business Education, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Child Care and Development, Civil Engineering, Civil Security, Communication Arts, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Criminology, Crop Production, Dairy, Demography and Population, Dentistry, Development Studies, Ecology, Economics, Education, Educational Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Embryology and Reproduction Biology, Energy Engineering, Engineering, Entomology, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Studies, Epidemiology, Film, Finance, Fishery, Food Science, Forestry, French, Gender Studies, Genetics, Geography, Geography (Human), German, Graphic Design, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Health Administration, Health Education, Health Sciences, History, Horticulture, Hotel Management, Hotel and Restaurant, Human Resources, Hydraulic Engineering, Hygiene, Immunology, Industrial Engineering, Information Sciences, Information Technology, Inorganic Chemistry, International Relations, Journalism, Law, Library Science, Linguistics, Literature, Machine Building, Management, Mass Communication, Materials Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics, Media Studies, Medicine, Meteorology, Microbiology, Modern Languages, Music, Natural Resources, Natural Sciences, Nursing, Nutrition, Occupational Health, Oncology, Organic Chemistry, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Parasitology, Peace and Disarmament, Philosophy, Physical Chemistry, Physical Therapy, Physics, Physiology, Plant Pathology, Plant and Crop Protection, Political Sciences, Preschool Education, Primary Education, Private Law, Production Engineering, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Psychology, Public Administration, Public Health, Public Relations, Publishing and Book Trade, Radiology, Religion, Religious Studies, Secondary Education, Social Sciences, Social Work, Social and Community Services, Sociology, Soil Science, Special Education, Speech Therapy and Audiology, Sports Management, Statistics, Structural Architecture, Surgery, Swahili, Technology Education, Telecommunications Engineering, Textile Technology, Theatre, Tourism, Translation and Interpretation, Zoology

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Moi University

Contact Person: 0 Isaac S. Kosgey

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: English
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