Japarcana, a startup founded with the aspiration of introducing exceptional Japanese products to the international market, emerged from the experiences of Yoshiharu Shiozawa during his time studying abroad. During these travels, Yoshiharu frequently gifted the Imabari towel, a distinctive product hailing from his hometown, as a gesture of gratitude.
Recipients consistently praised the towel, expressing sentiments like, "I've never encountered a towel so luxuriously soft and absorbent," and "Japanese towels are truly remarkable!" Their delight in using the towels left a lasting impression on Yoshiharu. The realization that a simple childhood staple, the Imabari towel, could bring immense joy to people fueled his desire to share this happiness on a larger scale.
Driven by the joy of contributing to others' happiness, Yoshiharu collaborated with local factories to conceptualize and produce the Japarcana towel. The goal was to amplify the impact and reach a broader audience with the Imabari towel brand, a local gem of personal significance. Japarcana seeks to extend the joy and satisfaction derived from these towels to individuals around the world who have yet to experience their exceptional qualities firsthand.
Website and pages
No information available
Headquarters, branches, local offices
No information available
Personal Information for Japarcana
Contact Person: Mr Yoshiharu Shiozawa
Business Details
Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 3
Spoken Languages: English