SMAF Associates has developed and constantly is developing into a very pre-eminent firm in Italy, because its firm’s attorneys are top courtroom advocates, respected legal scholars, skilled managers of complex litigation, and are active leaders of many bar associations.
The firm is pleased to offer its clients the very best legal counsel available, which means hiring the most qualified attorneys and support staff. Attorneys are organized by practice area to take best advantage of their particular legal expertise. The firm’s law and motions/appellate department works with all practice areas. Thus, SMAF Associates unflagging dedication to legal excellence, the perseverance of its attorneys and support staff, and its attention to each client’s individual needs all contribute to the firm’s reputation.
Headquarters, branches, local offices
No information available
Personal Information for SMAF & Associates
Contact Person: Mr Francesco Misuraca
Business Details
Type of business: Law firm
Year founded: 2000
Year started activity: 2000
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 7
Spoken Languages: English, French, Spanish