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Logo - Precious Villas

Precious Villas

Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini n.23, Firenze, Toscana, Italy
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Italy:Real Estate:Property Management ~ Italy:Real Estate:Real Estate Agents ~ Italy:Real Estate:Rent and Leasing

What we do at Precious Villas

Precious Villas Luxury Italian Real Estate provides the highest in professional residential real estate service with the best selection of luxury properties in Tuscany for a sophisticated clientele. Our dedicated, multilingual team of agents and professionals saves our clients’ time by providing customized property finder services and personally viewing and evaluating properties to fit the clients’ needs and accompany you at all stages of buying and selling. Precious Villas offers individualized year round property management services, ensuring that the necessary measures are taken to maintain each property with the utmost care and privacy. We also offer an extensive network of professional partners: legal support, cross-border fiscal consultancy, financing, renovating/restyling and interior design. Headquartered in Florence (Italy) and London (UK), with more than ten years of combined experience, Precious Villas Luxury Real Estate is the reference point for a mostly foreign clientele who wants to buy luxury real estate in Tuscany and for those who wish to sell.

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Home based?: no
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