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Logo - Stamens


Horesh 2, karmiel, Haifa, Israel, 2171134, karmiel, Haifa District, Israel
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Business Category

Israel:Agriculture:Plant Growing ~ Israel:Trade:Delivery Services

What we do at Stamens

There is no better place to order flower delivery online than at avkanim.co.il. Whether you are looking to buy a bouquet of flowers such as roses or chocolates, balloons, or wine, we have the highest quality products. Our goal is to enable you to make your loved ones happy wherever they are with flower bouquets and original gifts.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Stamens

Contact Person: Mr Rami Talisveiber

Business Details

Type of business: Stamens
Year founded: 2023
Year started activity: 01/01/2023
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 15
Spoken Languages: hebrew, English
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