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Permata Mutiara Maja

Jl. Boulevard Permata Mutiara Maja Kec. Maja, 42381, Lebak, Banten, Indonesia
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Business Category

Indonesia:Real Estate:Real Estate Agents

What we do at Permata Mutiara Maja

Permata Mutiara Maja is an economic type of residence on the 200 hectare land developed by Bukit Nusa Indah Perkasa (BNIP). Initiated since January 2016, Permata Mutiara Maja is foreseen to be completed by December 2016. BNIP is building 2.000 house units by the price IDR. 150.000.000 . Located strategically by 800 meters from Maja commuterlines station, Permata Mutiara Maja is a perfect investment. Since Maja area is a part of government master plan for the economic acceleration program, this cluster is a must have investment for smart buyers. Permata Mutiara Maja is equipped with garden, sport facilities, praying rooms, and education center.

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Personal Information for Permata Mutiara Maja

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Business Details

Type of business: Sole Proprietorship
Year founded: 2015
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 50
Spoken Languages: Bahasa Indonesia
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