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Logo - Pizza Shack Lombok

Pizza Shack Lombok

83573, Kuta Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia
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Indonesia:Catering:Restaurants ~ Indonesia:Catering:Food Delivery

What we do at Pizza Shack Lombok

Welcome to Pizza Shack, where the authentic flavors of Italy blend seamlessly with the laid-back charm of Kuta, Lombok. As the best pizza restaurant near Kuta Beach, we invite you to immerse yourself in an unforgettable dining experience. Picture yourself surrounded by driftwood furniture, flickering candles, and the aroma of wood-fired tasty pizzas infused with passion and tradition. With a focus on quality ingredients and heartfelt service, Pizza Shack is more than just a restaurant, it's a culinary journey infused with love and warmth. Come join us and discover why Pizza Shack in Kuta Lombok is the perfect place to savor authentic Italian pizza and experience the true essence of Italian hospitality.

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Personal Information for Pizza Shack Lombok

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: Sole Proprietorship
Year founded: 2024
Year started activity: 2024
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 50
Spoken Languages: English
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