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Trishla Orthopedic Clinic & Rehab Center

182C / 350A, Tagore Town, 211002, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India
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India:Health and Care:Medical Devices and Accessories

What we do at Trishla Orthopedic Clinic & Rehab Center

Trishla Ortho is a Pediatric orthopedic clinic and rehabilitation center in India for children and adolescents suffering from difficult orthopedic problems like pediatric orthopedics, congenital limb deficiency, cerebral palsy & deformity correction. They include yoga and advanced rehabilitation methods as a necessary part of the treatment. They provide the best services to patients who require orthopedic consultation or treatment. Team Trishla is committed to providing accurate and excellent medical care to each patient across India with a high satisfaction rate. The best part about this clinic is all the paramedical and medical staff of Trishla Ortho takes care of the children with orthopedic disabilities. Dr. Jitendra Kumar Jain is the founder of Trishla Ortho gives a ray of hope and smiles on many children's faces across India. He gives video tele consultation at a very nominal charge. Dr. Jain and his team give their full efforts to give new life to children. He has shown excellent results in most of the difficult orthopedic issues by his own developed methods.

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Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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