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Logo - Dr. Dharma Choudhary India

Dr. Dharma Choudhary India

BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital Rajendra Place,, 110005, new delhi, Delhi, India
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India:Health and Care:Clinics and Hospitals ~ India:Health and Care:Medical Doctors and Practinioners

What we do at Dr. Dharma Choudhary India

Dr Dharma Choudhary is a very famous bone marrow transplant (BMT) surgeon in BLK Hospital, Delhi has more than 17 years of experience in the field with over 250 BMT surgeries to his credit. Using the latest transplant techniques and personalized care, Dr. Choudhary offers autologous and allogeneic (donor) transplants for specific blood cancer cases such as leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, in addition to other hematological malignancies. Due to his novel procedures and individualistic style, he is considered one of the top BMT surgeons in Delhi. Dr Choudhary is very involved in research and has published widely in major medical journals. A testament of his dedication to superior quality of care is reflected in the unparalleled standards he sets for bone marrow transplant, at BLK Hospital.

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Logo - Dr. Dharma Choudhary
Dr. Dharma Choudhary

Personal Information for Dr. Dharma Choudhary India

Contact Person: Ms Lisa oshiola

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2004
Year started activity: 2004
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 10
Spoken Languages: English
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