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Logo - CyberBizz Technologies

CyberBizz Technologies

201301, Noida, India
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Business Category

India:Professional Services:Digital Marketing, Promotion, SEO ~ India:Professional Services:Web Design and Software Development ~ India:Telecommunications:Computer Software

What we do at CyberBizz Technologies

CyberBizz Technologies Pvt Ltd. is a software and digital marketing company established in 2017 and headquartered in Noida, India. It has also its branches located in Bangalore (India), the US, the UK, and Australia. It provides complete IT & Digital Marketing Services. Its services include web design, web development, app development, SEO, SMO, PPC, Content Curation and Marketing, Email Marketing, and YouTube Marketing. CyberBizz also offers various IT and Digital Marketing Courses with guaranteed internship and job placement.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for CyberBizz Technologies

Contact Person: Mr Sravan Kumar

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2017
Year started activity: 2017
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 100
Spoken Languages: English, Hindi, Urdu, Telugu
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