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91 Springboard Vikhroli Godrej & Boyce, Gate No 2, Plant Bus Depot, No. 6, Lal Bahadur Shastri Rd, opposite Vikhroli, Vikhroli West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400079, 400079, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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What we do at PurpleTutor

PurpleTutor is an online coding lessons firm founded in 2019 by Gaurav Perti (CEO) and Yatish Gupta (CTO). The firm conducts live coding lessons for children from age 6 -16. The founding team are the Alumnus of IIT Bombay, IIM , Carnegie Mellon University and Amazon. PurpleTutor is a platform for young children to learn coding. Courses like Python, Web Development, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) ,Machine Learning, Game Development and Cyber Security are taught to the kids. They teach a vast variety of topics ranging from block-based coding to syntax based languages like JavaScript, Python etc. The teachers on the platform have computer science degrees. Their idea is to ensure children develop interest and independent coding confidence. Book a free 1 hour trial class with their expert teachers. https://study.purpletutor.com/signup?source=DL_RO_06

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Personal Information for PurpleTutor

Contact Person: Mr Ankit Shukla

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2019
Year started activity: 2019
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 500
Spoken Languages: English
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