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Logo - Penguin Commercial

Penguin Commercial

Great Portland Street 85, W1W 7LT, London, England, India
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India:Travel:MICE ~ India:Travel:Tour Guides ~ India:Travel:Tour Operators ~ India:Travel:Travel Agents ~ India:Travel:Visas and Immigration

What we do at Penguin Commercial

Penguin has been a leading cloud-based SaaS service provider of integrated Mid and back office, CRM, Accounting, payment systems, and other solutions for the travel industry for 28 years. Integrated with more than 75+ products including 25+ payment solutions. Penguin has jointly developed and partnered with GDS giants including Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre, and Travelport. More than 25+ Payment solution partners include AMEX, VISA, MasterCard & and Airplus. Solutions we provide : • B2C Travel Portal • B2B Booking Engine • Coporate Booking Engine • DMC software • Travel Mid Office • Back Office Management • Data Warehouse • Penetration Testing • Cyber Security Product Features • Accounts Audit Documentation support including Annual Audit • GL based budget module • Multi currency invoicing and Multi language documentation • Multiple payment gateway integration (Sage Pay, Stripe,World Pay, Wire card, Asia Pay, AliPay etc with auto reconciliation • Bank Reconciliation • GL entry upload using excel • Report Schedulers • ATOL reporting • ATOL Audit • ABTA Reporting • Currency Revaluation • Manual and Automatic PDQ Reconciliation • Email to Post your e tickets, Invoices, Hotel voucher etc • Calendar / Diary system • Customer Relations Management (CRM) booking on Web with Telephone integration • Manual and Automatic Supplier Reconciliation • Role based authorisation structure and reports • PEN In-Box (queuing system) • Email Restriction: User based and Business area wise • Automatic and Manual IATA BSP Reconciliation • Staff commission and affiliate commission module • Agent Commission Calculation • Multi Branch and Business Area Accounting • B2B/Agent Management • Bed Bank and Supplier Integration • Booking Retrieval with third party Integration with all GDS and NDC • Automatic booking, Automatic refund and void processing through GDS • FIT/Group Packages • Workflow based menus for common transactions • Corporate booking module • Supplier Reconciliation with Excel Upload • Booking creation with Excel Upload • Internet Booking Engine • Hotel Booking • Data Warehouse • Docu sign integration • WhatsApp Integration and Bulk SMS • Hotel Inventory upload and booking

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Penguin Commercial

Contact Person: Mr Sebastian Joseph

Business Details

Type of business: Private Limited
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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