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Logo - Elefanjoy Elephant Sanctuary

Elefanjoy Elephant Sanctuary

2009 Pitaliyon Ka chowk, Peetliyon, Bordi Ka Rasta, Johari Bazar, 302013, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
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India:Travel:Travel Agents

What we do at Elefanjoy Elephant Sanctuary

At Elefanjoy, we offer an extraordinary adventure for animal lovers and thrill-seekers alike with our premier Elephant ride in Jaipur. Explore the picturesque terrains of Rajasthan as you embark on an unforgettable elephant safari in Jaipur, led by expert guides who prioritize the well-being of our gentle giants. Our experiences are crafted to provide not just excitement but also insight into the lives of these incredible animals. Enjoy breathtaking views and connect with nature while riding atop a majestic elephant, all while supporting ethical tourism practices. With Elefanjoy, you can indulge in the adventure of a lifetime and make your visit to Jaipur truly special with an unforgettable elephant ride. Join us today and discover the beauty of Rajasthan like never before!

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Personal Information for Elefanjoy Elephant Sanctuary

Contact Person: Mr Ankit Pareek

Business Details

Type of business: Sole Proprietorship
Year founded: 2012
Year started activity: 2011
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 10
Spoken Languages: Hindi
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