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Logo - Elite IAS Academy

Elite IAS Academy

103 & 105, 1st Floor, The Mall Rd,, Kingsway Camp, GTB Nagar,, 110009, Delhi, Delhi, India
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What we do at Elite IAS Academy

Looking for the best IAS coaching institute? Choose Elite IAS Academy, the leading name in Delhi. With our high-quality education and result-oriented coaching, we bridge the gap between aspirants and their career goals. Our experienced faculty provides updated study materials, interactive learning programs, and a well-structured timetable. We focus on timely syllabus completion, offer small batch sizes for personalized attention, and conduct the All India Test Series for competitive exposure. Join Elite IAS Academy and embark on your journey to IAS success!

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Business Details

Type of business: Private Limited
Year founded: 2012
Year started activity: 2012
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 30
Spoken Languages: English
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