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Logo - University of Delhi

University of Delhi

110 007, Delhi, India
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Business Category

India:Education:Colleges and Universities ~ India:Government and Non-profit:Education ~ India:Government and Non-profit:Scientific ~ India:Science and Technology:Institutes, Laboratories

What we do at University of Delhi

Founded 1922. Acquired present status and title 1952. The University has two campuses: Main Campus (North Campus), and the South Delhi Campus, founded 1973 as first step towards a multi-campus system for the University, with more than 600 postgraduate students.


Accountancy, Adult Education, African Studies, Agricultural Management, Agriculture, Anaesthesiology, Anatomy, Anthropology, Applied Physics, Arabic, Arts and Humanities, Asian Religious Studies, Astrophysics, Automation and Control Engineering, Ayurveda, Biochemistry, Biological and Life Sciences, Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Botany, Business Administration, Business and Commerce, Cardiology, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Communication Arts, Community Health, Comparative Law, Comparative Literature, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Continuing Education, Dental Technology, Dentistry, Dermatology, East Asian Studies, Economics, Education, Educational Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, English, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Studies, Finance, Fine Arts, Finnish, Food Technology, Forensic Medicine and Dentistry, French, Gastroenterology, Genetics, Geography, Geology, German, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Health Education, Hindi, History, Home Economics, Homeopathy, Human Resources, Hungarian, Hydraulic Engineering, Indic Languages, Industrial Engineering, Industrial Management, Information Sciences, Information Technology, Instrument Making, International Business, Italian, Japanese, Journalism, Law, Library Science, Linguistics, Literature, Management, Mass Communication, Mathematics, Measurement and Precision Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Technology, Medicine, Microbiology, Microwaves, Modern Languages, Molecular Biology, Music, Neurological Therapy, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Operations Research, Ophthalmology, Orthodontics, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Persian, Pest Management, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physical Therapy, Physics, Physiology, Plastic Surgery, Pneumology, Political Sciences, Polymer and Plastics Technology, Power Engineering, Primary Education, Production Engineering, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Psychology, Radiology, Romance Languages, Russian, Sanskrit, Slavic Languages, Social Sciences, Social Work, Social and Preventive Medicine, Sociology, South and Southeast Asian Languages, Spanish, Sports, Statistics, Structural Architecture, Surgery, Technology, Telecommunications Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Traditional Eastern Medicine, Urdu, Vocational Education, Zoology

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for University of Delhi

Contact Person: 0 Yogesh K. Tyagi

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: English;Hindi
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