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Dr. K R Balakrishnan

Fortis Malar Hospital , No. 52,1st Main Rd , Gandhi Nagar, 600020, chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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India:Health and Care:Clinics and Hospitals

What we do at Dr. K R Balakrishnan

Dr. K R Balakrishnan Best Heart Transplant Surgeon India is a reputed expert in the management of the end-stage heart failure and credited with India's First LVAD and HVAD pump implant as destination therapy. He is instrumental in starting India's First Comprehensive Centre for Heart Failure Management at Fortis Malar Hospital at Chennai. Dr. K R Balakrishnan Cardiologist has an extensive expertise in treating the complex Congenital Heart Disease like common AV Canal, repair of TAPVR, switches in infancy and in the use of homograft conduits arterial. He also performs other routine cardiac surgeries like Valvular Heart procedures, including aortic root replacement, repair & replacement and Ross procedure. Check out the profile of Dr. K R Balakrishnan Fortis Malar, Chennai on our website. Get in touch with us to book your appointment with Dr. Balakrishnan Cardiac Surgeon in India.

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