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Logo - Gi Agro Technologies

Gi Agro Technologies

# 33, Self Help Industrial Estate, Baliga Road, Keelkattalai, Chennai , 600117, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
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India:Industrial Goods and Services:Food Products ~ India:Industrial Goods and Services:Machinery and Equipment

What we do at Gi Agro Technologies

GI AGRO TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD., Chennai established in 1994 to Design, Develop and manufacturing of food Processing machinery by two young professional with a passion to excel in the industry. Our team of professionals consists of highly talented cross functional experts to offer technically advanced machineries with lower operating cost and ease of maintenance. Robust in-house R & D team help us to design and develop customized solution to unique and specific needs of every customer. With end-to-end automation in cashew processing, we have set a benchmark for the Global industry. The excellent performance of our machines has made the cashew processing industry around the world to look up to us for technology up- gradation from time to time. We also undertake Turn key projects in India and Abroad to Set up a new processing plant and modernize running plants. As part of our continuous growth plan, we have ventured in to manufacturing of Artificial Intelligent RGB Color grading and sorters machinery for food products like Rice, Grains, Cashews, Pulses, Coffee beans and solid material of any kind like Ores & Stones.

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Personal Information for Gi Agro Technologies

Contact Person: Mr Siva kumar

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 1994
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 500
Spoken Languages: English,Hindi,Tamil,Telugu
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