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Logo - Wings Shri Krishna IVF and Infertility Center

Wings Shri Krishna IVF and Infertility Center

Sadul Colony, 334001, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
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India:Health and Care:Clinics and Hospitals

What we do at Wings Shri Krishna IVF and Infertility Center

Wings Shri Krishna IVF and Infertility Center is a renowned IVF center in Bikaner India. Premier chain of IVF clinics across western part of India with more than 20000 live births through IVF in last 17 years. We use latest and most advanced technologies like IMSI, Time Lapse incubators, Smart Match systems etc. We are honest and transparent in doing the right things for our patients by adhering to the highest standards of professionalism with clear communication of treatment plan. Our aim is to deliver quality patient care services from prevention to treatment of the most serious and complex human diseases. IVF means In Vitro (Greek Word means outside body) Fertilization. It is often called as test tube baby treatment as well. Success rate in IVF suggests the positive pregnancy rates after transferring 2-3 Grade-1 embryos in the uterus in each attempt. In today’s scenario, with respect to female, the AMH levels depicts the fertility power which is more important than age. If the AMH levels are less than 2.0, than it suggests that individualized approach is required to treat the infertility in such cases. We expertise in treatment of female infertility and male infertility. Meet our team of experts for IVF, mini IVF, IUI, ICSI, andrology etc treatment. For more information, visit our website today! https://wingsshrikrishnaivf.com/

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Personal Information for Wings Shri Krishna IVF and Infertility Center

Contact Person: Mr Wings Shri Krishna IVF and Infertility Center

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 50
Spoken Languages: n/a
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