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Logo - Heidelberg University

Heidelberg University

69047, Heidelberg, Germany
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Business Category

Germany:Education:Colleges and Universities ~ Germany:Government and Non-profit:Education ~ Germany:Government and Non-profit:Scientific ~ Germany:Science and Technology:Institutes, Laboratories

What we do at Heidelberg University

Founded 1386 by Rupert I, Elector of the Palatinate. The character of the University was profoundly affected by the Renaissance and the Reformation. It was reorganized as an independent institution by the Grand Duke Charles Frederick of Baden in 1803 and is now an autonomous University financially supported by the State of Baden-Württemberg, and under the jurisdiction of its Ministry of Science and Art.


Ancient Civilizations, Anthropology, Archaeology, Art Criticism, Art History, Arts and Humanities, Asian Religious Studies, Astronomy and Space Science, Behavioural Sciences, Biochemistry, Biological and Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Chinese, Classical Languages, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Cultural Studies, Dentistry, Earth Sciences, East Asian Studies, Economics, Educational Sciences, English Studies, Ethnology, Foreign Languages Education, French, Geography, German, Germanic Studies, Greek (Classical), Health Sciences, Hebrew, History, Italian, Japanese, Jewish Studies, Latin, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Mathematics, Medical Technology, Medicine, Medieval Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Modern Languages, Molecular Biology, Museum Studies, Music, Natural Sciences, Philosophy, Physics, Political Sciences, Prehistory, Primary Education, Protestant Theology, Psychology, Religious Studies, Romance Languages, Secondary Education, Slavic Languages, Social Sciences, Sociology, South Asian Studies, South and Southeast Asian Languages, Spanish, Sports, Theology, Translation and Interpretation

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Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Heidelberg University

Contact Person: 0 Bernhard Eitel

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: German. English in selected programmes.
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