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Logo - Software Development HUB

Software Development HUB

Anckelmannsplatz 1, 20537, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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Business Category

Germany:Professional Services:Web Design and Software Development

What we do at Software Development HUB

Software Development Hub (SDH) is a global software development company that provides customized digital solutions for startups and product teams. With over 100 experienced specialists, SDH supports a wide range of industries, offering services in web, mobile, and 3D animation projects. Their approach combines the latest technological trends, in-depth business analysis, and a user-focused design process to create innovative and scalable products. SDH has earned a reputation for delivering high-quality MVPs, working closely with clients across the USA, Europe, and MENA, helping them turn ideas into successful, market-ready products.

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Personal Information for Software Development HUB

Contact Person: Mr Vasyl Kuchma

Business Details

Type of business: LLC
Year founded: 2014
Year started activity: 2006
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 300
Spoken Languages: English
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