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Logo - Kooi


165 rue de la montagne du Salut, 56600, Lanester, Brittany, Spain
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Business Category

France:Professional Services:Safety, Security, Surveillance, Monitoring

What we do at Kooi

Kooi is the specialist in the field of temporary security and scalding detection. With our mobile camera units (UFO) we provide every business park with 24/7 camera security. We offer an innovative solution that puts technology above man-monitoring. Our camera units are equipped with razor-sharp images, infrared night vision, siren, loudspeaker and direct control room security via the Kooi Alarm Center. Ideal for construction site security and site security. If necessary, we will immediately call in the police. The RED is our solution to detect heating and fire in fire-sensitive products such as waste processing and recycling companies. Our experienced advisors are happy to provide you with a (cost) efficient security solution!

Website and pages

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Logo - Kooi Security
Kooi Security
Logo - Kooi Security Espana
Kooi Security Espana

Personal Information for Kooi

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: Corporation
Year founded: 2020
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: French, English
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