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Logo - IISY Oy


Karaportti 5, 02610, Espoo, Finland
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Business Info

Business Category

Finland:Construction:Construction of Infrastructure ~ Finland:Energy Use:Air Conditioning ~ Finland:Environment:Pollution Control

What we do at IISY Oy

IISY Oy is a digital expert house that prevents indoor air problems. According to studies, 15% of buildings have indoor air problems. Indoor air damage is more expensive to repair and people get sick more easily in poor indoor air. With our Freesi indoor air service, you are a better # indoor air director. From us, you get all the necessary indoor air tools for your properties, communication and feedback system for residents, optimization recommendations, project monitoring, anomaly detection and risk management. MANY GOOD REASONS TO GET BETTER INDOOR INFORMATION Good indoor air enables healthy, comfortable and productive conditions for building users. In addition, good indoor air improves the return on real estate investment. With indoor air management tools, you prevent indoor air problems in your buildings, optimize conditions, improve energy efficiency and take control of indoor air communications.

Website and pages

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Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for IISY Oy

Contact Person: Mr Antti-Jaakko Alanko

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: Finnish
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