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Logo - Red Sea Marine Diving Center

Red Sea Marine Diving Center

El-Salam, Ghazala Beach Hotel, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, 46911, 46619, Sharm El Sheikh, South Sinai Governorate, Egypt
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Egypt:Travel:Travel Agents

What we do at Red Sea Marine Diving Center

Have you ever wanted to explore the underwater world but didn’t know how to get started? Scuba diving is a great way to see the beauty of the underwater world and it is relatively easy to learn. Whether you want to dive for fun or want to take your diving career to the next level, we can help you get started. We offer scuba diving courses for all levels, from beginner to advanced. Our courses are taught by experienced instructors who will help you develop your skills and confidence in the water. We also offer a variety of speciality courses, such as fish identification and night diving, that can help you make the most of your time underwater. If you’re interested in learning more about scuba diving, or if you’re ready to take the plunge, contact us today!

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Logo - Red Sea Marine Diving Center
Red Sea Marine Diving Center

Personal Information for Red Sea Marine Diving Center

Contact Person: Mr Sameh Samaha

Business Details

Type of business: Scuba Diving Center
Year founded: 2016
Year started activity: 2017
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 26
Spoken Languages: English, Arabic, Russian, German, Italian,
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