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Logo - Pioneer Capital Ltd

Pioneer Capital Ltd

Abildvej 100 4180 Sorø, 4180, Sorø, Region Zealand, Denmark
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Denmark:Energy Use:Gas and Steam ~ Denmark:Energy Use:Renewable Energy ~ Denmark:Finance and Insurance:Blockchain and Crypto ~ Denmark:Finance and Insurance:Financial Services ~ Denmark:Finance and Insurance:Investments

What we do at Pioneer Capital Ltd

Pioneer Capital Ltd. being successful professionals with over a decades of experience in the Financial market, Investments, Natural Resources, Index Funds, Loans, Wealth Growth and Management. The premium investment tools and services we offer to our investors has resulted in our rapid growth in the financial sector, driven by demands for our products. www,pioneercapitalltd,com Short Term Investment Plans Pioneer Capital Limited{LLC} has about 4 different Short term Investment Plans. STARTER PLAN offers 10% Return on Investment. ECONOMIC PLAN offers 30% Return on Investment. STANDARD PLAN offers 50% Return on Investment. PREMIUM PLAN offers 70% Return on Investment. Long Term Investment Plans Pioneer Capital Limited{LLC} has about 4 different Long term Investment Plans. INDEX FUNDS offers 60% Return on Investment. GOLDEN PLAN offers 90% Return on Investment. PLATINUIM PLAN offers 120% Return on Investment. HIGH YIELD INVESTMENTS offers 250% Return on Investment.

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Personal Information for Pioneer Capital Ltd

Contact Person: Mr Randal Barrett

Business Details

Type of business: LLC
Year founded: 2012
Year started activity: 2012
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 100
Spoken Languages: English, Danish, French, Spanish
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