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Logo - Bjørg Jewellery

Bjørg Jewellery

Læderstræde 13, st. th., 1201 Copenhagen K, 1201, Copenhagen K, Copenhagen K, Denmark
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Business Category

Denmark:Industrial Goods and Services:Jewelry

What we do at Bjørg Jewellery

BJØRG JEWELLERY was founded by Bjørg Nordli-Mathisen in 2004. After a decade as a textile artist, Bjørg moved to India where she was introduced to the colourful crafts and natural gemstones that inspired her shift to jewellery. Bjørg is known for her use of rough and precious stones in combination with crafted metal textures. Each piece pushes the boundaries of classical jewellery, merging the past and present to create modern relics.

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Personal Information for Bjørg Jewellery

Contact Person: n/a

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2004
Year started activity: 2004
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 50
Spoken Languages: English
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