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Chris Michael Property Group

Amathountos Avenue 108A Renanda Block A, office No. 1-3, 4532, Limassol, Limassol District (Leymasun), Cyprus
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Cyprus:Real Estate:Real Estate Agents

What we do at Chris Michael Property Group

Partnering with a reputable and experienced real estate agent is crucial to ensuring your experience with buying, renting, or selling a property or properties is as smooth as possible.Chris Michael, established in 1982 has over 40 years of experience in the Cyprus property market, buying, selling and even developing our own exclusive properties. We have sold and let thousands of properties to Cypriots and international investors, utilising our extensive local real estate market knowledge. We provide a personalised experience, taking time to understand your clients’ needs, preferences, and goals, tailoring our services to deliver the best possible results.Furthermore, Chris Michael Property Group prides itself on maintaining transparency and integrity throughout the entire process. Clients can expect honest advice, clear communication, and a commitment to their best interests.We hope we can help you find your dream property for sale in Cyprus today! To know more visit https://chris-michael.com.cy/ or call +357 25 313135. Services : Estate Agent Services, Real Estate Development, Property Valuations, Professional Property Management, Interior Design Services Business hours : Monday to Friday 09:00 -18:00 Payment Method : Cash, Check, Visa, PayPal Address : Amathountos Avenue 108A Renanda Block A, office No. 1-3, Limassol, Cyprus 4532 Phone no : 25 313 135 Business mail : info@chris-michael.com.cy

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Personal Information for Chris Michael Property Group

Contact Person: Mr Chris Michael

Business Details

Type of business: real estates
Year founded: 1982
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: English
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