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Logo - Mafpels Trade Company

Mafpels Trade Company

Free port and zone 1528, 99450, Famagusta, Famagusta, Cyprus
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Business Category

Cyprus:Trade:International ~ Cyprus:Trade:Wholesale Trade ~ Cyprus:Transport and Storage:Warehousing

What we do at Mafpels Trade Company

Audits help Mafpels trading customers get an accurate and unbiased assessment of their financial position and the efficiency of their business processes. We use advanced audit techniques and technologies and provide detailed analysis of financial statements, compliance monitoring and recommendations to optimize business processes. Maf pels team of experts has extensive experience in auditing various industries and is ready to provide our clients with high-quality services, which will help them make informed decisions and achieve their business objectives.

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Personal Information for Mafpels Trade Company

Contact Person: Mr Yusuf Turan

Business Details

Type of business: LTD
Year founded: 2020
Year started activity: 2020
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 17
Spoken Languages: English, Turkish
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