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Logo - Dinaric Rally

Dinaric Rally

Zadravečka street, no. 11, 10040 Zagreb, Croatia, 10040, Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
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Croatia:Sports and Recreation:Adventure ~ Croatia:Sports and Recreation:Sports ~ Croatia:Sports and Recreation:Sports Events

What we do at Dinaric Rally

Sports Club Untamed is a group of passionate offroad motorcyclists who organize and participate in various events and activities related to offroad motorcycling. Our primary focus is on rally-raid, adventure and off-road riding, and we are dedicated to promoting the sport and developing the skills of all the riders while preserving and protecting the nature. One of our main events is the Dinaric Rally, an annual multi-day offroad adventure ride that takes place in the beautiful and challenging terrain of the Dinaric Alps. This event attracts riders from all over the world and offers a unique opportunity to explore some of the most scenic and rugged landscapes in Europe. In addition to the Dinaric Rally, we also organize rally and offroad training sessions for riders of all levels. Our experienced instructors provide expert guidance on riding techniques, bike setup, and navigation skills, helping riders to improve their performance and confidence on the trail. At Sports Club Untamed, we are committed to safety, environmental responsibility, and respect for local communities and cultures. We believe that offroad motorcycling is a challenging and rewarding sport that offers opportunities for personal growth, adventure, and camaraderie. We welcome all riders who share our passion for offroad motorcycling and look forward to riding with you!

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Personal Information for Dinaric Rally

Contact Person: Mr Perica Matijevic

Business Details

Type of business: Owner
Year founded: 2020
Year started activity: 2020
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 30
Spoken Languages: English
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