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Beston Amusement

Central China E-commerce Port, 99 Daxue Road, Erqi District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China, 450000, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
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China:Entertainment:Games, Indoor, Outdoor, Computer ~ China:Entertainment:Playgrounds, Indoor, Outdoor ~ China:Entertainment:Sportive Events ~ China:Travel:Outdoors and Adventure

What we do at Beston Amusement

Beston Amusement, a professional manufacturer in China, supplies various amusement park rides as well as provides park operation services, etc. Beston can supply more values than you think! We are not only factory, and Beston can supply much more than what you expect! 1. Beston can offer the whole project solution, including the design and operation. 2. Beston can accept customized service, including themes, appearance, colors, etc. 3. Beston is always keeping innovation and leading the amusement industry. 4. Beston is specialized in park investment. We have invested and will be always investing in different types of parks. ===================================== Contact Us Here: Email: Sales@bestonamusementequipment.com WhatsApp/WeChat: +86 18569983291 (June Song) My Site: https://bestonamusementequipment.com/ Address: Central China E-commerce Port, 99 Daxue Road, Erqi District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China

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Home based?: no
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