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Logo - Hebei Geluorui Filter Tech Co.,Ltd

Hebei Geluorui Filter Tech Co.,Ltd

No. 111 Zhufeng Street., High-Tech development zone., 050000, shijiazhuang, Hebei, China
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China:Industrial Goods and Services:Fabricated Products and Components ~ China:Industrial Goods and Services:Machinery and Equipment ~ China:Industrial Goods and Services:Printing and Copying ~ China:Trade:International

What we do at Hebei Geluorui Filter Tech Co.,Ltd

Hebei Geluorui Filter Tech Co.,Ltd is a Professional and specializing in designs,processing,supply to filter cylinder mesh, strainer mesh filter,filter element or components and others Filtration and separation systems products in china .Founded in 2000 year ,From OEM smaller factory. Come to one of bigger company this business area, To have the "Glory" Brand to got great reputation in the Filtration and separation industrial business area of Hebei china. We have Advanced machines equipment and technology Craft ,modernizations workshops,also we have professional technicians engineer and managerial staff base on ISO9000 standard, From raw material to the finished products ,all the step and line for checking and test,To got best products Then follows up next step working line ,Cut down the inferior Products rate ,Save the raw materialand labor efficiency case ,Nice wooden box packing ,To make sure all products excellent for delivery to the clients side!

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Personal Information for Hebei Geluorui Filter Tech Co.,Ltd

Contact Person: Mr Gary yan

Business Details

Type of business: corporation
Year founded: 2000
Year started activity: 2017
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 20
Spoken Languages: English
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