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Logo - Bost(shenzhen) New Material

Bost(shenzhen) New Material

Bost (Shenzhen) NEW MATERIAL CO., LTD, 4th Floor, Sichuang Sci.&Tech. Building, 518057, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
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Business Category

China:Industrial Goods and Services:Chemicals ~ China:Trade:International ~ China:Trade:Wholesale Trade

What we do at Bost(shenzhen) New Material

Shenzhen BOST Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Shenzhen Nanshan Technology Park, which is the essence of pioneering and innovation, The glass anti-stain project was established in 2000. It is one of the earliest professional manufacturers of glass anti-stain interleaving materials in China. Our production base was relocated to the newly established Huizhou BOST industrial Co.,LTD in 2017 has two automated production lines and an annual production capacity of over 2,000 tons, with strong technical strength and many high professional technical personnel, we can provide special anti-stain interleaving programs for various climatic conditions at domestic or abroad original glass and deep-processed glass. ln addition, our company has many years of cooperative relations with Shenzhen University and South China University of Technology, with these platform, we can deal with different kinds of inconvenient diseases in glass. Also our company developed glass automatic powders and coating spray duster as ancllary equipment to solve many anti-stain process problems for customers. Our main raw materials are imported from abroad, which effectively guarantees the product's quality and stability. In 2006, as an manufacturer of glass anti-stain interleaving powders and we took part in the drafting of “Anti-stain Mlaterials for Glass”, which was later recoanized by the National Development and Reform Commission and the China Building Materials industry Association as the "Building Materials lndustry Standard of the People's Republic of China' JC/T1008- 2006. Our long term cooperation partners include many big glass industries in China and also export, for we are mainly exported to Southeast Asian countries and The United States, our domestic market share has reached about 75%.

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Personal Information for Bost(shenzhen) New Material

Contact Person: Mrs Olivia Chen

Business Details

Year founded: 2000
Year started activity: 2000
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 50
Spoken Languages: English
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