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Logo - Yuyao Zeda Plastics Co., Ltd

Yuyao Zeda Plastics Co., Ltd

#177 Beixing Road, Yuyao, 315000, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
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China:Industrial Goods and Services:Leather and Leather Products ~ China:Industrial Goods and Services:Medicines and Substances

What we do at Yuyao Zeda Plastics Co., Ltd

Various of Plastic Sanitary And Kitchen Products China Factory Yuyao Zeda Plastics Co., Ltd. is a pioneering sanitary and plastics manufacturer in China based in Zhejiang province. The company specializes in all types of plastic sanitary and kitchen products as facial basins, sink drain strainer, adjustable hoses, water tanks, toilet ware such as toilet fill and flush valve, drain and overflow set, and other plastic products. Besides, offering customized plastics products as per the customers’ requests. We strive to adhere to our core values of unity, exploration, and innovation. We are always in the pursuit of improving our products and providing our customers with the top-quality materials available in the market today. The company specializes in all types of plastic sanitary and kitchen products as facial basins, sink drain strainer, adjustable hoses, water tanks, toilet ware such as toilet fill and flush valve, drain and overflow set, and other plastic products. Read More: https://www.cnzeda.com/

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