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Logo - Sunwing Artificial Trees & Plants

Sunwing Artificial Trees & Plants

Win-world Originality Industrial Park, No. 6 Guang Hua Dong Jie, BLDG.2, 210037, Nanjing, Js, China
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China:Art:Design ~ China:Construction:Costruction Materials ~ China:Home:Architecture and Construction ~ China:Home:Gardening ~ China:Home:Home Improvement

What we do at Sunwing Artificial Trees & Plants

Sunwing artificial plants and trees are manufactured according to the different demands of global markets. They are produced in all ranges of colors, sizes, and styles with SGS certified UV & Fire protection to fulfill long-lasting fade-resistant applications both residential or commercial, indoor or outdoor! If you are new to this industry, let Sunwing be your guide! From artificial hedges, grass to artificial plants flowers, etc. We are pro in this field and will benefit your business in many aspects!

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Personal Information for Sunwing Artificial Trees & Plants

Contact Person: Ms Cassie Wong

Business Details

Type of business: Corporation
Year founded: 2004
Year started activity: 2004
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 200
Spoken Languages: Chinese, English
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