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Henan Agricultural University

Agricultural Road No. 63 , (450002), Henan, Zhengzhou, China
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China:Education:Colleges and Universities ~ China:Science and Technology:Institutes, Laboratories

What we do at Henan Agricultural University

With a history of over 100 years, the Henan Agricultural University has emerged from Henan Grand Academy founded in 1902, then renamed as Henan Academy for Higher Learning, Henan Institute for Higher Learning, Henan Public Agricultural Specialized School, Agronomy Department of the 5th National Sun Yet-sen University and Agronomy College of Henan University. It received the university status and was named Henan Agronomy College when the colleges were rearranged nationally in 1952, and was named Henan Agricultural University in December 1984. The HAU has become the first provincial agricultural university under the province-ministry co-construction in December 2009. In November 2012, it became the co-constructed university under the State Forestry Administration and the provincial government. In May 2013, Henan Food Crops Collaborative Innovation Center initiated by HAU had been included in the "2011 project". The academic activities of HAU were split into 20 colleges. HAU now is a comprehensive university with 10 main branches of learning: agronomy, engineering, sciences, economics, management, law, humanities, medicine, education and arts. At present, the HAU has one national key discipline of first-class, 16 key provincial and ministerial disciplines of first-class, 6 post-doctoral research centers, 5 first-class disciplines authorized to confer Doctoral Degree, 25 specialties for Doctoral candidates, 18 first-class disciplines authorized to confer Master’s Degree, 85 specialties for Master candidates in 8 disciplines, and 73 specialties for undergraduates. HAU now has over 30,000 full-time students on campus. HAU has a faculty of 2057 full-time dedicated members, including 656 professors and associate professors, and 874 doctorate degree holders. Of this number, one expert is a member of the China Engineering Academy, two members received the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, two have been granted the Chang Jiang Scholar Award by the Ministry of Education, 3 are selected into the Ten-Thousand Talents Program, 3 are middle-aged and young experts with Outstanding Contributions to the country, 5 are selected into the Hundred Thousand-Ten Thousand-Talent Project, 2 awarded the Outstanding Agricultural Talents, 2 are National Elite Teachers, 39 scholars enjoys special allowance from the State Council, 12 work for Modern Agricultural and Industrial Technology System of Agriculture, 2 awarded the 100 Outstanding Talents of Henan Province, 8 are Central Plain Scholars, and 18 are Endowed Chair Professors of Henan Province.

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