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Sourcing Captain

Block 7-5, Shencun Avenue 1st Cross Road, Shiwan Town, 528000, Foshan, Guangdong, China
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What we do at Sourcing Captain

Gary has more than 17 years of export business experience from china to abroad, and now we have a focus on the sourcing service for our customers since we have done tons of similar jobs based on customers’ requirements. As a sourcing agent, we can do a sourcing job for almost any type of product you want to purchase from china or develop a new product for any occasion, locate the right factory with good quality products at a competitive price is the service we can offer to you. Promotional gifts, toys, daily use articles, dining ware etc, we don’t have a limit of the industry but we mainly work for light industry based on clients requests. The founder of Sourcing Captain has more than 17 years of experience on serving U.S. and european customers on Sourcing Service. We mainly focus on the heavy industrial sourcing but not those daily use small items. Especially on new product development and project sourcing would be our advantage. We can help to build an exclusive supply chain from the beginning of product idea till goods delivery. High technology product, hard to find items etc, we always excited to solve those difficult sourcing issue from customers. Visit for Best China Sourcing Agent, Sourcing Goods from China, Find Suppliers in China, china sourcing management company and China Supply Chain Management

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