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Logo - Tenchy Silicone

Tenchy Silicone

Building 8, Tongfucun Industrial Park, Longhua District, Shenzhen, China
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China:Industrial Goods and Services:Rubber and Plastic Products

What we do at Tenchy Silicone

Silicone Foam Sheet has excellent resistance to high and low temperatures, compression set, chemicals and weather. It is perfect for use in a variety of applications, including Fireproof and shockproof material, Flame-retardant foam silicone, Heat transfer printing equipment, Table mats, Ground non-slip mats, Mechanical heat insulation. Product Features: Closed-cell foam Non-toxic, ordorless, inert High to Low temperature resistant: -50℃ to 200℃ High tear strength, Anti-aging, Anti-corossion Fire resistance, meet UL94-V0 standards Are you interested in this product? Get the Latest Price from the seller. Contact Seller: sales1@tenchy.cn +86 18129801081 Product URL: https://www.tenchy.cn/product/silicone-foam-sheet/

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Personal Information for Tenchy Silicone

Contact Person: Mrs Justin

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Home based?: no
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