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Logo - Fantasia Event Hall

Fantasia Event Hall

2180 Steeles Ave W Suite #7, L4K 2Z5, Vaughan, Ontario, Canada
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Canada:Entertainment:Events and Activities

What we do at Fantasia Event Hall

Discover a realm of extraordinary possibilities at our Vaughan venue, where a myriad of diverse culinary experiences awaits. Immerse yourself in a symphony of flavors meticulously crafted by our culinary artisans, promising a taste journey that transcends ordinary expectations. Our commitment to impeccable service ensures that every moment of your event is marked by professionalism and attentiveness, creating an atmosphere of unparalleled hospitality. But it doesn't stop there – our carefully curated event program adds an extra layer of enchantment, promising to leave a lasting impression on your guests. From captivating entertainment to thoughtfully designed activities, each element is orchestrated to elevate your occasion into a truly unforgettable experience. At our Vaughan venue, we invite you to unleash the extraordinary and embark on a celebration where culinary excellence, flawless service, and a memorable event program converge to create magical moments for you and your guests.

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Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
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