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Logo - Little Green Building - Bloor West Dentist

Little Green Building - Bloor West Dentist

265 Jane St, M6S 3Z3, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Canada:Health and Care:Dental Clinics

What we do at Little Green Building - Bloor West Dentist

Looking for a world class dental clinic in Toronto? The Little Green Building dental clinic has you covered! Situated in the High Park Area of the Bloor West Region, this clinic provides accessible dental care to residents in the GTA. The clinic is led by Dr.Paltsev, a global leader in dental care, and his team of dental clinicians that bring decades of combined experience to the table. Everything from children’s dentistry to cosmetic work, to emergency dentistry is covered here, making the Little Green Building a one-stop shop for pain-free oral care. Don’t settle for second-rate dentistry, let the professionals at the Little Green Building do what they do best – put a healthy, happy smile on your face! Call them today, or check out their website for more information. Give yourself the oral care you deserve!

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Home based?: no
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