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Logo - You Derma Medical Aesthetic Clinic

You Derma Medical Aesthetic Clinic

435 St. Laurent Blvd Suite 204, Ottawa, ON K1K 2Z8, K1K 2Z8, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Business Category

Canada:Health and Care:Beauty Shops and Parlors ~ Canada:Health and Care:Spa and Wellness

What we do at You Derma Medical Aesthetic Clinic

We offer a range of aesthetic services to help you look and feel your best, including cosmetic injectables, laser treatments and facial treatments. Our goal is to empower our clients and boost confidence by providing top quality medical aesthetic treatments, non-judgemental care, and professional service.

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Personal Information for You Derma Medical Aesthetic Clinic

Contact Person: Mrs Gopitha

Business Details

Type of business: You Derma Medical Aesthetic Clinic
Year founded: 2015
Year started activity: 2015
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 50
Spoken Languages: English
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