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Mad Lab Automotive

6817-104 street, Edmonton Alberta T6H 2L5, Canada, T6H 2L5, Edmonton, British Columbia, Canada
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Business Category

Canada:Industrial Goods and Services:Repairs, Servicing and Installation

What we do at Mad Lab Automotive

We are general automotive mechanical repair shop in Edmonton. We offer these services Hybrid battery service, Hybird car repair shop, CVT transmission, Car heater & Ac repair, Tire repair, Car tune up and Auto repair. Our Skilled staff is working 100% customer satisfaction. So please don't hesitate to contact us 7807-577-888 with any inquiries or to book an appointment.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Mad Lab Automotive

Contact Person: Mr Keith Young

Business Details

Type of business: Car repair and maintenance
Year founded: 2010
Year started activity: 2011
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 15
Spoken Languages: English
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