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Logo - Doaba Meat Shop

Doaba Meat Shop

7171 80 Ave NE Unit 129, Calgary, AB T3J 0J2, Canada, T3J 0J2, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Business Category

Canada:Catering:Food ~ Canada:Catering:Organic Food

What we do at Doaba Meat Shop

Doaba Meat Shop is a business that specializes in the sale of high-quality meats and meat products. From our wide selection of fresh meats to our extensive line of prepared and processed meats, Doaba Meat Shop is the perfect place to find everything you need to make your next meal a success.

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Personal Information for Doaba Meat Shop

Contact Person: Mr Doaba Meat Shop

Business Details

Type of business: Doaba Meat Shop
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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