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Logo - Pizza Circle

Pizza Circle

7204 Fairmount Dr SE, Calgary, AB T2H 1Z1, Canada, T2H 1Z1, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Business Category

Canada:Catering:Food ~ Canada:Catering:Restaurants ~ Canada:Catering:Food Delivery

What we do at Pizza Circle

Pizza Circle Ltd. is the best Pizza Shop in Fairmont, Calgary available for take-away and delivery services in the surrounding areas. Our pizzas are made from the freshest quality ingredients with a wide variety of toppings to choose from. Our menu offers a wide range of food options. We also serve gluten free pizzas. Visit us and order your favorite delicious pizza online from Pizza Circle. Contact us to find out more.

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Personal Information for Pizza Circle

Contact Person: Mr Saroj Chalise

Business Details

Type of business: Sole Proprietorship
Year founded: 5 October 2021
Year started activity: Pizza Circle Ltd.
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 10
Spoken Languages: English
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